Too much work to repair everything at once

by multimob — written on 2022-11-29

The OSM Inspector tools offers a useful view of bus routes having problems.

Yet, some parts of the country have been largely unmaintained over the years. Several mappers split or draw roads and bus routes relations got broken with time, with too few people available to repair this.

Here is a (real) example as of today for the area near Mons (Belgium), only showing routes that have problems.

OSM Inspector showing bus routes with mistakes near Mons, in Belgium, the number of bad routes is overwhelming

At first, this is really discouraging, because there does not seem any easy way to fix this. Most problems here are about gaps, stops in the wrong order, stops away from the itinerary, and much more. To complicate the matter, many TEC bus routes have back-and-forth loops where the same stop is served several times during the same trip.

A lesson here is that we should set priorities to fix this. Perhaps concentrate on getting the most important bus routes in order as a first priority, and then the others. Or maybe start by identify if some of those broken routes do not exist at all.

Until then, a good action might be to open at least one route every time and try if a quick fix could do the job. Seeing fewer broken routes on this screen will certainly be motivating.


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