About linking OSM bus stops with Wikidata for etymologies

by multimob — written on 2022-02-11

Members of the Brussels Parliament recently enquired how many bus stops were named after famous women with regards to men. This is a perfectly legitimate question but getting the answer can be really tricky.

The question had already been asked for street names. The OSM community came with a very creative solution, as such.

This represents a significant effort but it is really worth it because, once this is done, the system can be easily maintained. A bot can select all the street names in an area, and extract this tag, then extract the matching tags from the Wikidata entry. This was exemplified through the EqualStreetNames project, which does exactly that and shows statistics and a map with a different colour per gender.

With such an architecture, it is technically fairly easy to modify the code and filter on other criteria: what nationalities do those people have, or in what period of time did they live, for instance. It might also be interesting to know how many of those famous people were honoured for their actions or skills (such as architects or scientists) and how many were primarily honoured for being born in a royal family.

We can do the same for public transport stops. We started a review of stop names in Brussels, as a first test. The idea is to add name:etymology:wikidata to stop area relations. That way, we can easily query all stop area relations within a given territory or for one operator and know after whom they give the names for their stops.

Work is currently in progress, we expect it will take a couple more weeks of works to identify more stops, and help is of course always wanted. A first finding is that bus stops largely reflect the existing gender biases of street names. This is exactly what public transport operators say: they fully embrace the need for change and would be happy to rename stops after famous women. But they feel that, where most stops are named after the nearest street, it will make little sense to rename a stop if no appropriate (female) name is to be found in the area. Name more streets and squares after famous women and public transport will quickly follow, they say.

Permalink: https://blog.multimob.be/zzKoh7uo0u.htm

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