Covering an entire country equally?

by multimob — written on 2023-01-17

We care to maintain public transport in Belgium. We should expect that our changes are contained with one single country, then.

There are small exceptions where we do edits abroad.

  1. TEC and De Lijn operate beyond the national borders, in most cases only a few kilometers to the nearest city They serve Aachen (D), Armentières (F), Breda (NL) or Maastricht (NL), for instance.
  2. International route relations might be broken anywhere and invalidate the whole relation; long-distance rail or Flixbus relations can go as far as Slovakia or Romania, sometimes.

The history of changes will look like this.

Map of Belgium with several bounding boxes; most of the country is covered, though the most populated areas have more changesets than others

We expect that after a few months of work, the entire country will have changes.

But in practice it will not be the case. We only care for public transport networks, and despite the coverage in our country is very large, buses do not go to every rural area, not to mention nature zones or forest areas. Also, the number of PT-related changes will always be roughly proportional to the activity; there are more things to do for an urban network, which will often be mapped in greater detail. This is also why cities will see much more changesets than countryside, Flanders will probably have more changesets than Wallonia, and the least-populated provinces or territories will be visited and edited less often.


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